I have wanted to instigate a Wish Tree in Lincoln since I relocated here in 2016. It blends the prime ideas of being an Art Ninja into one special place, while motivating creativity and activity. A place to go and sit, and just 'be' - we are human 'beings' after all.
The Wish Tree project started in the summer of 2018 with a call out for Art Ninja's to create small pieces to put on a community artwork entitled 'BeLeaf in Community' (more on this in another post). I posted out small canvas leaves to a wide variety of places in Lincoln, schools, care homes and Art Ninja's all got involved and the finished piece was collated and put together in one community workshop day. We continue to add to it now and it is proudly shown at all sorts of events to demonstrate the wide variety of skills in the group.
This sparked the idea of something bigger and the plan for the Wish Tree Project was hatched.
On January 18th, 2020, a small group of hardy Art Ninja members met in a cold and windy car park near West Common, Lincoln. Wellies were a necessity with one of the Art Ninja's slipping over - resulting in muddy bottoms and much giggling! We made our way to the chosen tree. The hours flew by as we cleared the ground and created benches from lost logs. Some woodland flowers were planted too. The Wish Tree was dressed in all the different art created by Art Ninja's, it was a glorious array of crochet, painted wood, string art, corks, wooden labels and felted creatures. We ended the day by sitting and sharing a picnic in the glorious shelter of the Wish Tree, which we plan on doing much more in the future.
Our hope is that our Wish Tree Lincoln, gets many visitors who also leave some art in memory of a loved one and that the space is enjoyed by those who stumble across it too.
It was created with love, love for nature, for people and for creativity. Enjoy.
